About Us

We are a three crazy kids who live in Michigan. 

All three of us smiling- a rare sighting.

Here is a bit about us:


9 1/2 years old
Love animals, playing, writing, being crazy
Favorite color is teal
I love emojis, peace signs, and dream catchers
I'm a free spirit at heart with a lot of things to say
7 3/4 years old
Love animals, soccer, doing things myself, and math
Favorite color is orange
Would write my own math problems, play minecraft, or collect things (pokemon cards, rocks, "treasures,") all day if my parents let me 
I have overcome some challenges thanks to being diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, but my mind is amazing and I am an intense "thinker"

4 years old
Loves animals, playing, reading, stuffed animals
Favorite color is yellow
Loves to play with her "best friend" or by herself (nothing in between or otherwise)
